(no subject)

May 16, 2008 18:18

That's it. I'm going to have to avoid my parents until Dec. My dad was is all !!!!! about the marriage ruling and supremely optimistic about it to an obnoxious extent. He keeps swearing vehemently that people don't really want to amend the state constitution (stating this last phrase in a horrified tone befitting the ritual slaughter of wide eyed baby rabbits), and he will not be dissuaded, nor shut up about it until he hears me agree with him.

I'm like, "okay, can we just not talk about this, because you're upsetting me and I was happy." And so of course he proceeds to loudly repeat himself over and over again, because he NEEDS me to say, "yes, you are right." *headdesk*

We will just never see eye to eye about the world: I took from him (from both of them) a iron clad intrinsic belief that all people & (sub)cultures are equal and deserving of dignity and the opportunity to do whatever they wish with their lives (no matter how idiotic, pointless, or self-destructive) as long as it doesn't infringe upon others doing the same. But.

But that doesn't mean that I also believe humankind inherently shares these beliefs (when it's not so much anything as potentially transitory as a belief with my family - it's something imprinted deep in our psyches, wound within each firing neurons).

I'm just a natural pessimist, and it causes the majority of the arguments I have with my father. I just don't understand why I would want to be anything else - if things turn out well, I'm pleasantly surprised. If they turn out bad, well, at least I'd prepared myself for that result. Somehow I have managed to expect the worst out of situations, despite my upbringing. Yes, we all have an equal capacity for personal redemption (though the situations one finds themself in will affect the likelyhood that this will occur). But when it comes to that equal capacity, well... yes, we're all equal - equally tending towards egocentric, selfish behavior. (myself included)

I think you can do it, I just don't think you will. ;)

This is why I will always feel affection for characters like Spike, like some of the Cylons, like Todd, like Scorpius: I'm not impressed with a fictional character who is thoughtlessly, effortlessly good. Who has all the help of biology and culture and psychological support. It's the person who has every reason in the universe to be a destructive force against others, and then suddenly they surpass all logic, all their surroundings and life situation, and there are these beautiful moments of transcendance, of grace. They find that capacity to be more that lies in every reasoning being, to see a common ground & act on it, and it just means more from them, because it defied all the odds. <3!

so. um. dear CA, right now I guess I trust Caprica!Six more than you. SORRY. I invite you to prove me wrong.


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