it's 5AM and I am procrastinating

Nov 22, 2013 05:32

I have a MacBook from 2006, its name is Jason, and on Wednesday it has retired from active service because - among other things - it was failing to perform its duties of being a laptop. This means that since then I have been moving out stuff and moving it back into the new laptop.

LJ, meet Tristan.

But the shiny new toy isn't the reason I'm here. The reason I'm here is because I felt like writing instead of packing for tomorrow, reading Jean Rhys for tomorrow, doing the dishes (because I leave tomorrow), or anything else really. I felt like writing also because I was at the pub with some postgrads earlier and the subject of blogs came up. It made me think of my first home, i.e. here.

Boy oh boy has this platform changed a lot since I was last here though.

normal is for boring people

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