the girl(s) who waited

Sep 11, 2011 15:08

You know, there are many good reasons why I didn't review last week, and there are just as many that nudged me into writing about yesterday's episode.

Just goes to show how Doctor Who can go in one direction one week, and change everything the following one. :)

Basically, The Girl Who Waited had everything I like about Who and I say that because when it ended it actually made me think. Also, it's saying something when I manage not to say anything for an entire episode. :P

The title is pure genius, as many have been this series, as it refers to both Amys at the same time and yet, maybe it doesn't and it's just about one Amy, the one that has actually waited four decades. And Rory, oh Rory, how I felt for him when he uttered the words that were in my mind, that he had to choose between his wife and... his wife.

It had a Star Trek feeling to it, this episode, although exactly what prompted this vibe I couldn't say. It was more because of the moral ambiguity of virtually everything and, above all, the Doctor. What was going on? He lied, he lied to Future!Amy (and Rory and Amy by proxy) just like that and I know that there was that look at the end, but... I'm starting to see River's point in AGMGtW. By the time the Gamma Forest is finally explained properly, I shall probably have no more doubts that the word 'doctor' translates as 'mighty warrior'.

Incidentally, the same thing happened when the Romans tried to render the Norse Gods into their own language, and understanding. Odin/Woden/etc. became Hermes/Mercury because that was the only God the Romans could conceive as the trickster that Odin was supposed to represent, while the less up-in-the-air interpretation would want Odin as the parallel of Zeus/Jupiter due to the fact that they are both leaders in the respective mythologies.

See? As I said, TGWW made me think. There were so many little moments I loved... and Karen portrayed her older self so so so well. The moment when Rory and she share that short-lived laughter pulled at my heartstrings; what a beautiful, magnificent story. Please to make more stories like this, show?

for those who wait, the doctor is aristotle in disguise, doctor who, review, i am a geek

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