sort of fic review

Feb 14, 2010 02:37

Happy Valentine's Day, awesome people who are reading this!

On the subject of romance, I was listening to this episode of Spellcast, and they read a story featuring Rose and Scorpius.


A Fresh Start, by Magnolia Mama.

Just in case you wanted to read the thing before I spilled the beans in here.

Okay, so what you need to know about the podcast is that they intro the show, read the fanfic, and review it afterwards. Gwendolyn Grace is an amazing reader, I love her voices. Normally, I listen to the first two parts, and save the thoughts of the hosts for later - but tonight I needed the distraction. I liked the fic. That's the short answer as to why I'm posting about it, but the other reason is that someone on the roundtable mentioned that Scorpius/Rose romance is a milder, less feisty version of Draco/Hermione. That made me pause. They argued back and forth on the subject, and since their discussion did not decide me, I'm rambling about it here.

I haven't read much Next Gen (and isn't it highly fortuitous that the nextgen_awards are here?), so I cannot say I have strong examples to base my opinion on... nonetheless, I think I'd be able to spot a D/Hr remix when I stumbled across one, and to me, A Fresh Start wasn't one of those cases. Rose is a good mixture of her parents, and obviously we don't have the same background on Scorpius so he obviously reads a lot like his father; I rather thought that the interaction between the two was very believable too, in the world they live in. They knew each other in school, though not well, and they meet again because he works for Harry. Makes sense. I was not overjoyed over the whole 'You wouldn't even look at me in school' cliché, but who am I to talk? My WIP is one big cliché! The total absence of both Hermione and Draco from the story is also a good sign, I think, but for the sake of the argument...

Yes, Rose is a bookkeeper, a job very much Hermione-ish. Yes, Scorpius was good in school, but not as good as her, except for Potions, which is a common motif in fanfiction.

There, the similarities I could find end there, which brings me back to my initial appreciation of the fic. Rose and Scorpius are different from Hermione and Draco, if they weren't, I'd be reading Next Gen fics like crazy by now (which I'm not, so that we're clear).

review, recs, podcast, fandom, fanfiction

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