Title: Dancing
silvia_duchessa Characters/Pairing: 10Rose, Astrid
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Still don't own it.
Author's Notes: For the first
Songs_in_time challenge
Spoilers: The Doctor Dances, Voyage of the Damned
Summary: Dancing with Astrid brings back memories for the Doctor...
“He told me ‘bout his girl back home
Waiting patient, all alone
While we danced I shed a little tear”
The Doctor twirled Astrid around the floor, smiling at the disaster-free scene around him (it made a nice change to be honest). She gazed up at him with curious eyes, a smile playing on her lips.
“You’re quite good at this, aren’t you?” she said, more a statement than a question.
“Oh, well, I’ve had a lot of practice,” he grinned. Astrid smiled back.
“You dance your way round the Universe?” she laughed.
“Something like that,” the Doctor said, with another lopsided grin. “Never used to be very good at dancing really. But then my… friend. I was dancing with my friend, and…” the Doctor trailed off, and Astrid’s eyes widened slightly in worry, a small frown appearing on her delicate skin.
“You just assume that I don't... dance,” said the Doctor.
“What, are you telling me you do... dance?” Rose asked, smiling curiously.
”Nine hundred years old, me. I've been around a bit. I think you can assume that at some point I've danced.”
“You?!” Rose said disbelieving,
“Problem?” the Doctor asked, looking back at her slightly.
”Doesn't the Universe implode or something if you... dance?” Rose said, playing for time.
“Well, I've got the moves but I wouldn't want to boast.”
Rose, got up from the wheelchair, and turned the music up, still grinning. The Doctor looked around, completely wrong-footed as Rose walked slowly forward, flirtatiously. He looked determinedly back to the wall.
”You've got the moves?” she said mischievously, holding out her hand. The Doctor looks back at her
”Show me your moves,” Rose said.
“She sort of… well,” the Doctor trailed off again awkwardly. All this time and he still couldn’t talk about without sounding like an idiot. Mind you, he’d spent half his time with her sounding like an idiot, so nothing much had really changed.
The took Rose’s hands and they began to dance.
”You'll find your feet at the end of your legs. You may care to move them,” Rose mocked in a strangely intimate way.
”If ever he was a captain, he's been defrocked,” the Doctor said, raising his eyebrows at her.
”Yeah? Shame I missed that,” Rose grinned, tongue poking through her teeth.
“Rose, her name was,” the Doctor said finally. “She taught me how to dance again,” he said softly, his lips forming a smile at the memory.
“He closed his eyes, all out at sea,
I think he danced with her not me
I’ll just have to wait another year.”
“Rose!” the Doctor exclaimed. “I've just remembered!”
The Doctor moved towards Rose in time with the music that was no blaring out of the speakers, clicking his fingers.
“I can dance!”
”Actually, Doctor,” began Rose. “I thought Jack might like this dance.”
”I'm sure he would, Rose,” the Doctor said, unfazed. “I'm absolutely certain. But who with?”
Rose sniggered and hopped up the steps to take the Doctor's hands. He spins her perfectly, then suddenly throws her backwards over his arm, earning a whoop of delight from Rose.
“Well she did a good job,” said Astrid quietly, bringing the Doctor out of his trance.
“Teaching you to dance,” she added, the Doctor looking slightly confused and blank.
“Yes, yes she did,” he agreed now, smiling.