Doctor Who, Life, Random Stuff

Apr 11, 2008 13:48

Ok so LOL at the fact that on the DW website, the caption you click on to watch PiC is Rose. Doesn't that just sum up what the most exciting bit of that episode was?

I did totally love Donna though. She was hilarious. So brilliant, that my mother (who hates DW) actually sat down and watched PiC earlier! I'm so pleased!

The thing about the bees... is that to do with the wasps and Agatha Christie story? Or is it going to be picked up in the finale? Or is it just a totally random Donna-comment?

Also, the bit about sea monsters. The Master mentioned those in LotTL, and RTD said in a magazine I read last week that something the Master mentioned in LotTL would be picked up in the S4 finale. However, it may have been the Medusa-thingy. Hmmm.

AND that mad Penny woman? Who's going to report them? That may be linking in to UNIT or something. Again, hmmm.

Revision is going suprisingly well. Not that I have a huge amount done, but i'm making progress. My dad's making me work to deadlines - every few days he'll test me on the stuff i've supposed to have learnt - which is MUCH better than working to a revision timetable. So I reckon I should actually have got most of my revision done my the end of the hols! Yay!

My toe is recovering very well from my operation last week. I damaged it a little jumping ecstatically up and down at the end of PiC last week, but i don't need crutches anymore, which is good.

ALSO! I'm going to the DW prom! In BBC proms! Doomsday music played LIVE!!! I am SO excited. And we're in the stalls, so (as long as the people who own the seats don't with hold them and me can't go) we'll get to see all the Cybermen and Daleks! Which totally shouldn't excite me, I know, but still.

I'm now on shopping for DW clothes XD

OOH OOH OOH! I've been searching for Rose-clothes, and I found a really great version of the blue metallic leather jacket in Topshop the other day! AND a v.similar leather jacket to her Doomsday one! But does anyone know how I write off to Louise Page, the costume designer???

revision, doctor who prom, series 4 speculation, donna, tenth doctor, clothes, toe operation, rose, doctor who, real life

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