We can't be afraid of the way people will view us. We can't be afraid of the way society will view us. All we can do is be the best that we can be.
So today I finally found the courage to change my "Interested In" status on Facebook from blank to "men and women".
Up 'til now I've been too petrified of people who don't entirely know me, people who don't know me at all seeing me as the freaky bisexual girl; of girls I like and would like to get to know better, especially girls like the ones in Dance Society at uni who are awesome, being scared that I'm going to hit on them; absolutely terrified of being excluded or mocked like I was for so so long during school. But I've come to the conclusion that I am never going to accept my sexuality and be happy with it unless I stop caring about what others might think about it, and face up to the fact that it might not make some people happy, it might cause problems and questions and awkward situations, but it's who I am.
So thank you to
the epic Jenna Anne for her massive confidence and acceptance boost.