Title: In My Little Universe
silvia_duchessaCharacter/s: Quinn
Rating: K
Spoilers: Up to Wheels
Summary: Quinn wonders if she's a bad person. A litte drabble inspired by scenes in Mash Up and Wheels.
I do love Rachel, but I was watching Mash Up and Wheels and this came into my head.
Quinn wonders if she’s a bad person. If the bitching and pornographic cartoons and cheating on Finn are finally catching up with her. Finn…
There’s a system, a social order, a way things are and before with Finn she knew her place perfectly; they fit together like two clogs in the huge, complex machine that is High School. But Finn has slipped out of her grasp and something in him draws him to Rachel, always back to Rachel.
Quinn sits on the steps in the music room, watching as her boyfriend, the father of her child (although she’d rather not think about that mess now) enters another universe, one solely inhabited by him and a small, dark haired, overly-ambitious, scheming little girl.
Was it her fault? Did she drive Finn away? What has Rachel got that she doesn’t? She’s pretty, Quinn will admit that, even if she desperately needs a nose job. But she’s so chirpy and bossy and annoying; how can Finn not want to dump a cranberry slushy in her long, swishy mane of dark hair whenever he hears her squeaky voice?
Is she so terrible to be jealous of this girl who her boyfriend is so entranced by?
It’s true what they say; how you can be alone in a crowd. As she watches her team, the people she used to mock and ridicule, laughing together as they dance and sing and are completely lost in the moment, oblivious to her misery, she’s never felt more lonely.
Quinn wonders if she’s a bad person.