Good mornin' vietnam!

Sep 08, 2003 08:30

This was funnish, if unending:

Have you ever:

1. Been so drunk you blacked out: no, but I had a friend who was arrested once during a blackout. He was caught climbing up the side of a house. His explanation was that it was the most direct route to Lake Michigan. But I don't know.

3. Lit a body part on fire for amusement: um, not on purpose.

4. Been hurt emotionally: Duh.

5. Kept a secret from everyone: I'll tell anything to the right person.

6. Had an imaginary friend: many fantasies, but no one critter that I insisted have a place setting at dinner.

7. Cried during a Movie: God, yes. I'm a crier.

8. Had a crush on a teacher: oh, yeah. He wasn't too bad in the sack, either.

9. Ever thought an animated character was hot: Astro boy! Jets in his feet! Mmrrowl. (Just kidding. Really.)

10. Had a New Kids on the Block tape: When were New Kids popular? 80s? I was into Velvet Underground and Talking Heads and Clash and Gang of Four and David Bowie and B52s and... really quite snobbish about it, as I recall. So, no.

11. Been on stage: yep. I played Paul Bunyan's wife in, like, third grade. I SUCKED. It was supposed to be a little musical production (yeah, I don't know either) but none of us could get the five steps of choreography down. I'll always treasure the memory of my music teacher's frustration. "No, step step TURN! Nevermind! Forget it!"

12. Cut your hair: Heh. Certainly. Hasn't everyone?


13. Shampoo: I like to have at least three choices every day. It's all about the variety!

14. Soap: something lavender. Yum.

15. Color: green. No, blue. No, green. Green. Orange is nice.

16. Day/Night: dusk and dawn, in-between times.

17. Summer/Winter: summer, absolutely. Cold is not my friend.

18. Lace or satin: neither. Velvet.

19. Cartoon Characters: Spongebob! But Homer Simpson is my One True Love.

20. Food: Bleu cheese dressing. It goes with EVERYTHING.

21. Advertisement: weh? Anything that can make me laugh. Not that that's difficult.

22. Movie: oooh, toughy. I love science fiction and horror. "Aliens" "Fight the Future" like that.

3. Ice Cream: no lactose for me! Except when I cheat. Then, vanilla.

24. Subject: what am I, twelve? My favorite subject is *nsync. So, yes, maybe.

25. 'Normal' Drink(s): water. Lots of it.

26. Person to talk to online: my mom. Shut up.

Right now:

27. Wearing: what was on the floor next to my bed when I got up. 'Cause it's chilly in here.

28. Hair is: doing what it wants, as always. I'm just a witness.

29. I'm feeling: okay, good. Like I want to write.

30. Eating: just had a bowl of cereal with soy milk. Still hungry though. I sort of forgot to eat yesterday.

31. Drinking: cooffffeeeeeeee

32. Thinking about: freaking JC Chasez, which is ironic since I have so much invested in him being gay for Chris. Sigh. I am such a skeev.

33. Listening to: One Nation Under a Groove

Last 24 hours:

34. Cried: no, indeedy.

35. Worn a skirt: uniform scrubs, yes. Skirt, no.

36. Met someone new: Sure, lots of people. Met met? I don't know, man. My early distant warning system locks that part of my brain down the instant a hot guy wanders by. It's a remnant from my ex, who shredded my soul. Either that or a function of the Vow I've apparently taken.

37. Cleaned your room: [snort]

38. Done laundry: sure.

39. Drove a car: I'm an excellent driver.

Do you believe in:

40. Yourself: yes. I worked fucking hard to get here, and now I know I can handle anything.

41. Your friends: certainly. And thank god for them.

42. Santa Claus: no, Virginia. Again with the twelve.

43. Tooth Fairy: you're killing me.

44. Destiny/Fate: I do. But we can prepare for the way the world tends to go: that, I also believe in.

45. Angels: okay!

46. Ghosts: okay!

47. UFO'S: okay!

48. Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend?: many, dahlink.

49. Like anyone?: Dude, I like everyone. I am one big ball of like.

50. Who's the loudest: like, ever? Wtf?

51. Who's the shyest: the old me. But that got boring.

52. Who's the weirdest: I don't know enough weird people right now. [cries with despair]

53. Who do you go to for advice: my sister, who is the coolest chick I've ever known.

54. Who do you cry to: whoever's listening in my shower, man.

55. When do you cry the most: tired. stressed. overwhelmed. underappreciated. I am most dramatic, at times.

56. What's the worst feeling in the world: like I've failed someone, especially if it's because I just couldn't be bothered to understand what they're thinking or feeling. That one makes me feel small.

57. Best feeling: well, right now it's the hummingbird at the feeder outside my window who just buzzed over to look at me. I'm easy. The world is fucking beautiful. Oh, and the positive feedback for my first story: over the MOON! And love. As I recall.

...stole this from hubbalance, I believe.


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