I judge by dick.

Aug 18, 2003 12:18

This is possibly my favorite line from popslash ever. Synchronik! Perfect Chris characterization! It may even be hedging out my other favorite, by foxmonkey: "Dammit, Bass! Turn me gay! Do it now!" Hee. Cracks me up every time.

I'd tell them both so, since I'm trying to turn over a new leaf when it comes to feedback, BUT COMCAST IS BEING A STUPID BITCH AND WON"T LET ME AT MY MAIL. Ahem.

Turn over a new leaf? What the hell does that even mean? Is this, like, some weird hedgehog foraging mythology that crept into our human linguistic collective unconscious? Because that's just... perverted. Burrowing. Need I say more? Probably not.

Thinking my yoga thoughts today, crunched up in a little bundle, it occurred to me, why is the wave-form such a natural part of linear motion? Is it a way of expressing depth and momentum at the same time? I imagine a wave. Energy, water, whatever... just moving along. Why the oscillation, the sudden need to move back and forth within that forward space? Are waves really just 2-d representations of spirals? How will this help me plot the story I'm working on so that Chris and JC get freakalicious together?



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