
Jun 01, 2005 12:07

Happy JC Month OMG!!Also, I'm told it's TrickC month, too, which took me by surprise, because isn't it always TrickC month, one way or another? Right. Moving right along, so as not to present an easy target, I have much randomness for you this morning ( Read more... )

oncology, cftc, jc, writing

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Comments 17

lilysaid June 1 2005, 09:21:12 UTC
Oh my God. I've never seen that particular cap of JC before. I can't stop looking at it! His EYES.

Also, *hugs* to you.

Also ALSO omg, your fic? *taps foot*


silveryscrape June 1 2005, 09:29:22 UTC

I know, I love that cap, the purple in his ring and in the background, his eyes... I went on a big JCSource spree, as you can tell. :)

Thanks. *hugs back*

Dude! The story's, like, 1/3 done, and I feel like I've been sending you every two words I type, so I didn't want to wear out my welcome. If you want to see what I have so far, I'll gladly send it along. Or if you were tapping because you want me to finish faster, well. Call my boss! Two weeks off should just about do it. :)

omg I filled in my schedule for July at work!! it felt so good to put those "V"'s into July 10-19, let me tell you.


lilysaid June 1 2005, 09:33:59 UTC
I wasn't rushing you, I was just anxious to see more. You'll never wear out your welcome unless you send me something where JC shoots his "sticky gift" all over Chris.

omg I filled in my schedule for July at work!! it felt so good to put those "V"'s into July 10-19, let me tell you.


You should change it to say "bowling with Nsync" ahahahahaha. I don't know why I find bowling with Nsync so hilarious, but I DO. It will never not be funny.


silveryscrape June 1 2005, 09:49:14 UTC

"Sticky gift", huh. No worries there! *deletes, hits thesaurus.com for synonyms*

Well, bowling is inherently ridiculous, but the thought that this seems like a good PR event to them, golden. Also, bowling probably sounded less stupid to them than the skills competition, which just makes me GLEE. Bowling! Bowling is what you do when it's 2 degrees out, you've seen all the movies, and you're sick of the clubs. I just don't understand bowling. Never have. But Bowling With Nsync: my rep on the Bone Marrow Unit will be SOLID.

Also also also, file coming your way. :)


splifford June 1 2005, 11:06:22 UTC
That's a lovely TV show theme song you have going there.

OMG! totally. i'll probably have to give up my fandom membership for not liking the song. i just thought it was boring and far beneath both JC's and Carlos' abilities.

and dude...if i win the bowling thing, i'm definitely gonna bee all hopped up on goofballs for it. no other way.


silveryscrape June 1 2005, 11:13:29 UTC

I know, and I feel like the grinch, especially when 99% of my flist is rhapsodizing about the song like it's the Second Coming. I don't think I'm just being a kill-joy, but you never know. That's why I'm willing to wait and see.

The "members" and celebrity guests will be all hopped up, so I figure it's only polite to do the same. :)


tlcprovider June 1 2005, 13:17:39 UTC
Shoot the breeze with Danny Masterson ("So, Scientology. Are you all batshit crazy, or what?"),

Oh I loved that. You know that Tom Cruise is their cult leader and that is really why he is dating Katie Holmes because her mind is so young and easy to mold!

I personally am going to dazzle said celebrities and NSYNC with my 96 average. And I was on a league.

TrickC month ...I must have subconsciously known it because I found JC and Chris marrionettes at The Dollar General for 2.50 a piece yesterday so go me! You know I am a slash whore. Did I ever mention that. The only pairings that I really avoid are JoLa and Choey. The last one ewww!
Ok I am done now.


silveryscrape June 1 2005, 15:58:49 UTC

he is dating Katie Holmes because her mind is so young and easy to mold!

Bwah! That's... really creepy. Also, that poor girl, what is she thinking?? Tom Cruise. Ew.

Chris and JC, together forever at the Dollar General. Aww. Good score!


tlcprovider June 1 2005, 19:48:39 UTC
.Chris and JC, together forever at the Dollar General.

Oh you know that would be a good fic! JC being supposedly thrifty and all. :)


halowrites June 1 2005, 14:15:57 UTC
I have decided livejournal needs to pay for me to attend Challenge.

....well, fuck. it worked when I mentioned casually I had decided it was TrickC month. worth a try.

also, in case I haven't said it recently, you amaze me. you know why. I have nothing but respect for what you do. and no, I don't mean that thing. the thing. yeah. that one.


silveryscrape June 1 2005, 16:03:48 UTC

I love that idea! I have a check for 3498579703986 dollars all filled out and ready to go! You may have to walk the last half of the trip, though. Better get started.

no, I don't mean that thing.

Sure you do. *gives the secret gang sign* But I know what you mean. Thanks. *smooch*


tallories June 1 2005, 17:57:11 UTC
Good luck with the story! I'm sure it'll be great. :)

25, man. *hugs*


silveryscrape June 4 2005, 09:22:59 UTC

Thanks! I like the story, so, um. Yeah. :)

Also, thanks. Too damn young.


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