Taken from
What type of Fae are you? hahahahah..okay that thing might be right....>>; I want you my friends to do it and post your result in a comment xDDDDD to see if 'm mistaken about you guys ;P
by the way, I'll be doing stuff...
Since someof you don't know about what happenned to me, I'll explain it once again xD;;;;
First of all, we had a huge storm with lots of ligtning(last thursday) and we missed lelctricity for 42 hours...so we lost all the food in the freezers T_T and then, we didn't notice at first but we did after, we have a south pump wich works with eletricity, result is that the pump didn't work and the basement was flooded.My room is in the basement. Now we have to empty the whole basement, which is what we are doing now and the insurrance is pating the carpets and stuff...bla bla bla. but the we learn they have to cut the wall..X_x and so I won't have a room for a month and most of my things will be stocked in an entrepot...-____- so I can't do much but read and do my school stuff and sometimes get on my bro's comp. It wasn't my lucky-dovey days.
WELCOME BACK RIAN!!!!! <3333333333 I luff you my wifey :3