I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner.... Instead of leaving my LJ in complete neglect, why not update it at times I update my REAL blog? That way my friends see it on their journals that I had an update. It makes sense to me. Ok, so this isn't really an update, but I swear I'll have one on Wed. Anyhow I need some help. Taylor unwittingly gave me a link to TextAmerica.com, a moblog community for camera phone owners (me...). I've checked it out, and it's not too shabby. I just need to know if I should start using it instead of my original. Pros: It looks a little bit more fancy, it's community based, unlike the other which is only shown to those who know me. Cons: It has ads, it's not THAT customizable, not too much detail about me is included. Well... just check it out for yourself. I've got the makings of what it could be
here, but it's blank though. Let me know which one you think I should use, in case I should begin some sort of transfer. As always, you can check out
my original journal at it's usual place. Ok, well, let me know, and like I said, I'll post something new on Wednesday. Later and peace -AG