First and foremost: SPN squee!!!
I’d looked forward to this episode ever since I started watching season four a couple of weeks ago. I wasn’t sure I was going to make it just because I had a lot of RL things crop up all at the same time but I managed to watch S4 twice so I guess I had a lot more time than I thought I did.
There was a perfect balance of hilarious parody and the usual angst. There were bits I loved (the vast majority, negl) and one bit I didn’t like very much but I’ll live with it.
One thing I absolutely loved? Dean’s fanboying over Dr. Sexy. I love it when her gets all excited over something and then remembers himself once Sam gives him a Look. Speaking of which, have we ever seen Sam fanboy over anything? Ever? Please to be reminding me.
Clueless!Surgeon!Sam was great. In any other situation Sam would have had that bullet out, sewn up and whiskeid in no time flat. He just got distracted by the shiny scalpels. Also, why was Dean awake on the op table? XP
Dean freaking out about getting hit in the nuts? HILARIOUS. I love it when Dean freaks out. Jensen just does it so, so well. It’s what made Yellow Fever one of my all time faves.
That Question? Will come up later. Trust me. I wouldn’t put it past Gabriel to use it against Dean in an effort to get him to play his role.
Pretty boy angels cracked me the hell up though, if only because it took me a second to figure out what had been said ‘cause I was excited about Cas showing up.
And then he was gone. Am I the only one kinda upset that Cas was so sporadically used in it this ep that it might have been better to not use him at all? Just sayin’
LOL @ the Herpexia commercial. It was perfect in everyway. It’s so ironic that Sam is the once getting all the VDs thrown at him lately. Technically speaking…Dean is probably much better qualified for them =X
The CSI: Miami but was comedy gold. Namely because I spend most of my time making fun of the horrible puns when my cousin watches it. Dean’s rant was great because it’s so TRUE.
OK I won’t lie. I was really upset that they killed the Trickster. I really liked him the first two times we saw him and was really hoping he’d get one over on the boys again.
Which he does…by turning Sam into the Impala. LOL. I really thought we were gonna see Dean throw a tantrum over the Trickster screwing with his baby but um…he seemed ok with Sam possessing her.
“Should I honk?” LOL.
Finally, the reveal. So I’m kinda upset that the Trickster has always been Gabriel. It couldn’t have killed the writers to just have Gabriel mimic the Trickster or something? Why mess with a great character like that? Also, it messes up the continuity of the angel arc. Apparently Gabe’s been on Earth a lot longer than the rest of them, long enough to learn how to be human(and be comfortable with it!) and develop a sense of humor and conjure up some girls for company and not feel guilty or uncomfortable like most of the angels we’ve seen. Hm. Just sayin’
So this is all down to destiny, is it? Never mind freewill then. >=/ I'm not all that happy about that.
Looking forward to next week!!!!
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