8 prompts (zosan drabbles)

Apr 23, 2013 01:07

Title: 8 Prompts
Characters: Mostly Sanji and Zoro, with mentions of the rest of the Strawhats
Rating: PG-13 to NC-16(ish)
Status: One-shot
Genre: Romance/Friendship/Some fluff
Summary: Took some prompts off the net to write some Zosan drabbles. (:


"What's that?" Nami took a whiff of the air as Zoro walked past. Before Zoro could register the question, she had vanished, leaving the swordsman bewildered and annoyed.

A safe distance away, Nami exhaled. She wasn't about to ask Zoro why the smell of Sanji-kun's cologne lingered all over him. It wasn't any of her business, and anyway, she had a feeling neither of them would take the insinuation very well.


Cooking for the crew wasn't always easy. They all had different tastes - Chopper liked sweet, Zoro liked bitter, Nami liked tangy and so on. It was easy when it came to Luffy since he ate anything as long meat was involved, but that wasn't always a good thing. After spending too much time preparing and designing a light, soft and mouth-watering fruit tart, he was dismayed when most of the crew either wolfed it down or ate it while going about their own business.

But to his surprise, the swordsman remained in the galley, taking time to savour the treat, smirking when he met the cook's eye. Sanji was inexplicably touched and turned on at the same time, striding over and grabbing Zoro's head for a fruity kiss.


Sanji could charm any girl in the world, or so he thought. More often than not, Zoro took pleasure in watching the cook's attempts fail miserably, because it would either mean a spirited fight when he had the audacity to make a snide remark, or an opportunity to taunt the blonde.

Not that he understood why Sanji was always turned down. At the back of his mind he thought that maybe Sanji deliberately tried too hard so he would get rejected. Anyway, he didn't care too much. After all, the cook was his.






"Your eyebrow would make a great hypnotic tool."

"Your hair would make a great nest for small critters."

"Your meat balls could be weapons of mass destruction."

"Pathetic, my cooking is the best and you know it. Your earrings look gay."

"Fine. Your leg hair would repel any woman."

"Lucky for you." A smirk. Fingers run gently over the gay earrings.

A snicker. "Agreed." A hand strays to clutch blonde hair, a thumb running over the dartbrow.

And they kiss hungrily, slipping away to the darkness of storage room.


At first it always irked Sanji that Zoro was so unresponsive. It was only normal to expect some kind of reciprocation to his affectionate gestures once in a while. So he stopped bringing tasty snacks to Zoro in secrecy, refrained from "accidental" touches and stayed away from Zoro unless they were alone.

Only after a few weeks did Sanji realise Zoro had his own way of showing affection; stuff like offering to wash the dishes and praising his cooking in a subtle manner, so after a while they slipped back into their normal routine.


Sanji liked the way Zoro's earrings would chime when he ran his fingers over them. He always wondered why Zoro wore those earrings, and he didn't think it was a coincidence that he wore three of them. Maybe they signified his mastery of three swords, putting the first one on when he had mastered one sword and adding another when he had mastered the next.

But he didn't ask, because Zoro would have told him had it been important. Anyway - he smirked to himself - he didn't have any complaints.


Zoro wasn't good with words or emotions, unlike Sanji. So sometimes he could unintentionally hurt the cook's feelings by saying the wrong thing or not saying anything when he was supposed to. During these periods Sanji's eloquence would be at its highest, his words icy and like acid.

It always fascinated Zoro when Sanji got into one of those moods, but he wasn't worried in the least. He would just invoke his power of straightforward-ness and tell the cook he loved him and everything would be alright.


Sanji isn't sure at what point along the way Zoro became so ingrained in his daily life that to imagine passing the days without him was impossible. Painful, even. What if something happened one day? Zoro was ridiculously reckless, and if he got himself killed… It would be tragic.

Robin hears the cook muttering to himself while staring the swordsman train, and she smiles. "Cook-san, a tragedy, according to one of the greatest literary artists in history, is something that starts off bad but ends well. And from what I've observed, you don't have to worry."

Hope you enjoyed them! Comments are very much loved. <3


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