Glee meme

Mar 19, 2011 19:17

A glee meme!

I've just been watching glee so I needed to find something related to it LOL.

1) Who is your favorite character? Why?
I don't have one, since they all have endearing qualities LOL.

2) Who is your least favorite character? Why?
I don't like Santana at the moment, but the latest few episodes have really shown a different side of her so I'm no longer sure if I like her not.

3) What is your favorite pairing?
Somehow I find Tina and Mike Chang ADORABLE together.

4) What is your least favorite pairing?
Puck and that new girl.... I forgot her name... ><

5)Do you have a secret pairing that other people might not understand?
Mmm, nope, I'm conventional. xp

6) What is your favorite Glee song?
I adore "marry you". It was so upbeat and fun and cute. And it was a happy, too. (:

7) What is your least favorite Glee song?
Smile by Lily Allen. the music just gave me shivers, in a bad way.

8) What is your favorite Glee performance?
I loved "valerie" sung by Santana! Her voice suited the song perfectly and the dance by Mike and Brittany was mind-blowing.

9) What is your least favorite Glee performance?
The "Push it", it was uncomfortable. ><

10) What is your favorite Glee episode?
None... since all were funny. xD

11) What is your least favorite Glee episode?
There was one, but I can't remember the title. It was just boring...

12) You’re the new kid at McKinley. Who are you most likely to become friends with?
Tina. Firstly I'm Asian HAHA. Secondly I think we're both kinda shy but once you get to know us you'll realise we're not that shy after all. xD

13) You decide to audition for the Glee Club. What song do you sing?
Hmm... Probably anything that's on my favourite list at that time!

14) Most of the Gleeks are doubling up. What other extracurricular activity are you involved in?
Guitar club lol.

15) Jacob Ben Israel has written a scathing review of your performance on his online blog! What do you do?
I'd make him suffer... Or be sickeningly nice to him LOL.

16) Sue Sylvester has dragged you by your ear to Principal Figgins’ office. Why?
I avoided her eye contact and she thought that was suspicious.

17) April Rhodes has returned to McKinley! What terrible lesson does she teach you?
How to multi-task... in all the bad things. o.O

18) Mr. Schuester is struggling to think of songs for the Glee Club to perform. What do you suggest to him?
Disney on ice. KACHING.

19) Sue Sylvester has chosen you to be one of “Sue’s Kids”. What derogatory name does she call you by?
Mocha (cause my skin is almost the same colour).

20) You eat some bad Chinese food before you go to bed and have a Glee related nightmare. What happens in it?
I become the tool in one of Sue's schemes to ruin glee club and I can't stop!

21) After a few months of being in the Glee Club, you form a crush on a certain someone. Who is this someone?
Mike Chang. *drools*

22) It’s been 20 years since the Glee kids have graduated. What is (the character of your choice) doing?
Artie is a scientist studying stem cells. O:

23) Mr. Schuester gives the Glee kids the task of another mash-up. What two songs do you use?
I'm no good at this sort of thing. :S Maybe "I'm yours" and something else...

24) You think that’s hard? Try ______________________, that’s hard!
Thinking of mash-up songs! ):

25) You catch Sue Sylvester trying to sabotage the Glee Club. What is she doing?
Finding a way to make everyone lose their voice a week before regionals!

Wooooooo Mike Changggggg. He's so hot. O.O But then again I'm biased towards Asians. I went to find out the ages of all the actors and I was SHOCKED. Mike is 28 years old! Along with Finn. GOD. I was amazed. He has a great body, and an adorable smile. Sheesh I'm gushing. I'll stop now!~

glee, meme

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