Zoro, Sanji fanart :D

Jan 20, 2011 19:48

Well, I brought you guys fanfics, now I attempted fanart. :D I loveeee One Piece, so drawing is a sort of way to express my love. <3 Mmm, remember to click for a bigger image. o:

Hope everyone likes them!

ZoSan! It's PG rated because the scanner links to the family computer. Not that I'm good at drawing anything else, haha. It's my first time drawing any clothing remotely traditional, and I think Zoro's swords look a biiiiit weird.

Sanji! Because he's awesome, and his kicks rock. :D *stares at his left hand* Ugh, kinda weird, I know. I've never been great at drawing positions!

And here are the linearts, for anyone who wants to colour them digitally. I don't have any digital art equipment 'cause my parents don't really support money going to art (and photoshop's expensive!), not that I think I'll be any good at using it anyway. D: If you do colour, just credit. (: I imagined nice backgrounds for both, but...

Here they are! I've started drawing since before I started writing in general, but I haven't drawn in ages. o.o I hope to draw Zoro next, but there are only so many positions for someone holding 3 swords.

Anyway, I love One Piece to bits, and this is one of the ways to express my love for it. ^^

Comments/concrit always loved! <3 Thank you. 

sanji, zosan, one piece

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