The past few years have enabled me to come up with a list of anime I like/love. I haven't watched that many but...
1. Ranma 1/2
This was the first anime I watched with my sister as it was shown on television many, many years ago. It's about a martial artist in China who, when training, fell into one of the magical pools at the site, enabling him to turn into a girl when splashed with cold water. He changes back to a boy when hot water is used. I shan't go into detail, but this anime is definitely a comedy with a little bit of everything else - a classic anime indeed. The characters are mostly likeable (though I still don't like the perverted grandfather o.o).
Favourite character: None
Favourite pairing:
2. Rave Master
This was the second anime series I watched, and I still love it to this day. <3 It's an adventure/action anime with 5 very likeable main characters that go around defeating bad guys and stop an evil organisation from regaining power. There are a few plot twists that were pulled off well and it can be called a comedy, but it includes tragedy, action and a little of other genres. Definitely an anime to watch, but sadly, production was discontinued and the anime was never finished. Still worth it because the ending of the series can be gotten from the manga.
Favourite character: Musica <333
Favourite pairing: None really; I'm not one for romance, but Haru/Elie is canon and cute. (:
3. Kyou Kara Maou
I love this anime to bits. It may not appeal to everyone though! It's a very popular anime, with a harem of bishounen set in an alternate world, the king being an Earth boy who was sent there to be the new Demon King of Shin Makoku. I don't like series with no excitement and action, so this anime definitely has action and fighting and such (mostly with magic/ swords). The cast is extremely likeable and the first half of Season 1 is hilarious. It gets darker though, when the plot thickens, and the ending of Season 2 is brilliant. The plot is solid (albeit a few silly but funny filler episodes), and there are a lot of hints and intricacies underlying. There is some shonen ai - nothing serious, only lightly implied - but that does not detract from the main plot. Season 3 is not as brilliant, but I still enjoyed it, especially the last episode. <33 I'm definitely hoping there's a season 4!
Favourite character: Conrad <33333
Favourite pairing: ConYuu or Conrad/Yuuri
4. One piece
By far my FAVOURITE anime of all time. There are no words to describe the genius of Oda (the mangaka). Really. O: I adore all the main characters - members of a pirate crew, led by the dorkiest but powerful captain, Luffy. All the characters are superbly developed and it's impossible to dislike any of them. Even the villains they fight have a back story and some end up becoming allies. There is plenty, non-stop action and it's easy to get hooked. With 482 episodes and going, you won't run out of any to watch. I really really recommend this anime, especially to shonen fans who don't want romance (there's practically none, except between some silly villains they face). Definitely an anime worth your time. My sister was against watching it at first because she likes rom coms and such, but even she was hooked after a few episodes. The manga itself is still in the works, with more than half the way to go. Looking forward to it! <333
Favourite character: Zoro (the dorky, manly and slightly crazy swordsman)
Favourite pairing: I don't really have any, and there are no canon pairings, but I adore Zoro/Sanji
Well, that's all for today. And LJ cut is tricky. T_T Peace out!