Nov 17, 2004 15:10
hey everybody.
Today was a pretty good day, had a great time in study with madaline , 4 more years. I have 2 tests and a quiz tomorrow and the baquent tonight but the baquent should be real fun.
Me and mom went to the mall on monday. I got a new coat, 2 sweaters and a pair of pants and some christmas presents o and the new damien rice cd <33.
the new lunch table is a really good time.
we saw two very stylish musicians today. They were giving out cds but once we caught up to then they didn"t have anymore :( but they had cool and clothes and were somewhat hott. Speaking of hott meagan gough"s brother is a major hottie.
Battle of the bands of friday.Its going to be a good time- emilys hott drummer is going to be there.
BRYAN !!! haha we are the coolest kids on the planet. (recess)
my brother finally brought back my lord of the rings movies gosh how i missed them.
well. later kids.