Feb 24, 2005 11:15
I think this is the busiest vacation i have ever had, but maybe the best too.
Friday or Saturday we all went to wal*mart and got very hott shades and necklaces and bracelets. We saw anthony dupre and he was very shy and i think he thought we were stalking him. I also saw my boyfriend again in the cereal place. Then me and tay were walking with the carriage and we knocked over 385398475 baby bottles, then we tried to pick them up with emily and casey standing their laughing and then the sales lady came and told us that she would do it. hahahahaa
Sunday i went to church then watched a movie with my dad then i went to victorias where we watched the lion king then slept over then monday we went to lunch where the lady had a huge ass and then we went to a basketball game and then i slept over again then on tuesday i went to madeleine's and we played who wants to a millionaire and disney trivia. Then we watched shaun on the dead which was sooo funny and where the heart is which was such a lifetime movie.Then i slept over and we played the sims 2.
Today i had the dentist ewwwww and he hurt my teeth real bad. Now i am here and i should be doing homework but i am not.
Princess party tomorrow yayayy !