I do not speak of such things.

Apr 07, 2007 04:39

My trip was nothing short of extremely eye-opening. It caused me to learn a little bit about myself, how the people around me are flawed and how unsuspectingly all these actions tore into the very mesh of life that holds my body and soul together. How many times I felt the need to scratch the insides of myself and everyone around me, to ripple out the self-inflicting regret and disappoint. While this feeling and thought was later impounded by the need to disappear into the darkest and most hidden parts of the universe, to be lost within the thousands and thousands droplets of ocean. And forever feel lonelier than any darkness could fathom. To shift to such boundaries only forced the relentless anxiety of finding a proper escape and so much more.

How can one person be so blatant to another? How is one, So interested in the inner desires of the person to be malevolent in the questioning. To fully mock and display an air of innocence?

And these questions have haunted me and in their absence the recurring events plagued my mind.
Maybe one day, when I fully grasp the sides of a cup  of tea for dear warmth against the icy chill of my recollected memories; shall I unravel purest of emotions laden in company of free thoughts and a less gray sky.

because gray seems nice too.

how amazing is this?
and my heart breaks,
into pieces
that only you can

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