
Mar 12, 2012 23:23

It seems sometimes that life gets in the way of living.
Or else is just that people don't know how to make a happy medium anymore and go from one extreme to another.
Having issues with both my boss and my roommate everytime i turn around.
My boss doesnt know how to put his foot down and i'm tired of having to pick up the slack because he doesn't make anyone do their job.
we have shift sheets that were created so that everything gets done that needs to be done but he doesn't go by them and doesnt make anyone do them
so 3 days later stuff that should have already been done has been neglected.
I'm off the next two days i bet you i come back to work and there's going to be a shitload of crap that needs to be done because nobody did their job. and i'm going to be expected to do it.
If it wasn't for the fact that my roommate works there i would have already put in for a transfer to another store.
she works there parttime so that she can at least pay her carnote the car insurance and the cell phone bill.
now she's going to FL to visit her parents and get her stuff and drive back up here. she's flying down and driving back.
but aparently she has already spent the money set aside for the gas on the drive back. if she doesn't get the stuff this year i doubt she ever will be able to. i'm already not going to make her pay her 3rd of the rent so she has the money available....

so what am i suppose to do about all this ??
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