Desktop meme stolen from
destinyawakened and
gaudy_night And thanks
gaudy_night for the tip on how to do this thing. ;o)
01. If you're looking at this entry, you need to share your current wallpaper.
02. Explain in five sentences why you're using that wallpaper.
03. Don't change your wallpaper before doing this -- the point is to see what you've got.
04. Post this in your LJ, so you can see what all your friends have got, too!
I LOVE TRANSFORMERS!! And I cannot wait for the new movie. I have tickets to the midnight showing and the first three showings of opening day! Just a generic wallpaper from the movie website. Optimus Prime is GOD!
Oh and for those of you who might be a little confused, I have changed my LJ name. I went from jackssilverwolf to plain ol'
silverwolf . It really made more sense, my old one was about a specific fandom that's kinda fallen by the wayside. I am a complete fandom slut and I change them more then a princess changes outfits. ;o) So when I got the email that silverwolf was available, I pounced. So anybody that might be confused, it's me, jackssilverwolf. Don't slam the door in my face. :o)