(no subject)

Jul 24, 2008 15:39

I died on Moonbase Cazcatharsis

I was killed in a gas-filled firing range by Zagzagael the engineer, whilst carrying...

the Log of the USS Papyrus Quill, a Rinxxian raygun, a Sisterdearian artefact, a Fairemma screwdriver, a KUNG-FU-MOVIES-30 plasma rifle, a Barbossas-Wench model hazmat suit, a davyjoneslithium crystal, the Log of the USS Vixens Shadow, a Lugiannaian raygun and 252 galacticredits.

Score: 301
Explore Moonbase Cazcatharsis and try to beat this score,
or enter your username to generate and explore your own space adventure...

Grr. So close.
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