Zomg! An UPDATE!

Nov 03, 2007 15:23

Haha, yeah... sorry for the lack of posting. I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things, but sometimes you are just so... wiped... ^^;

Classes are going well. I just had a Midterm for stats (should have Ace'd) and a Midterm for Mass Communication and Culture (B range, I think, but I still have the takehome part to do). Otherwise, I'm in paper hell mode. Well, the research part of it anyways. 3 20-pagers here I come! ;-;

Also starting to look into classes for next semester. Should be fun!

Works getting busy, too. But at least it's not boring. :)

Anyways, this past weekend (er, last weekend), Laura came up to visit. YAY! So we did the NYC thing and did stuff. :) Saturday we saw Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D. I never saw it in theaters before, so that was awesome. And the 3D stuff was more about making it really crisp and three-dimensional, rather than POP INTO YOUR FACE 3D like I was expecting. Still an awesome movie.

Then Sunday we decided to try to see a Broadway show, since when in New York... Found the discount ticket booth in Times Square and waited in the cold for an hour. Fun stuff. I forgot about the whole Wind Tunnel thing NY likes to do. ^^;

Anyways, after waiting we finally get up to the ticket both. What did we score?
2 tickets, $60 each for Spamalot... in the 4th row... of the ORCHESTRA! ^_^

We were a little to the right but nothing was really blocked from the stage. In any case, the show was amazing. It was funny and the music was great. Personal favorites? "You Won't Succeed on Broadway", "Run Away", "Always look on the Bright Side of Life", "Knights of the Round Table", "Brave Sir Robin", and "His Name is Lancelot". ^_^ Broadway parodies ftw as well.

"Well, why didn't you say you were Jewish?"
"It's not exactly something you say to a heavily armored Christian..."
"Oh, good point.."

Afterwards, there was SHOPPING!! ^_^ Got myself a new pair of boots (knee-highs <3) followed by a shopping spree at H&M, where I got a bunch of skirts and blouses and sweaters for winter. Yes, you read that right. S-K-I-R-T-S. ^_^ Also, I'm loving the knee-high+leggings+skirts thing. Oh, and vests. Vests are awesome.

Only thing left is to get some sort of trench-like coat. THEN, MY ASSIMILATION WILL BE COMPLETE! *BWAHAHA*

(if it makes you feel better, I asked for a DS for Hanukah. See, there is still balance in the force :p)
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