Really should update this thing more often..

Jul 18, 2007 23:26

I'm not neglecting the journal, I swear.... ^^;

Let's see, what's gone on since the last one?

Well, I had the Video Games Live Concert the last weekend in June, which was possibly the most kickass thing I've ever seen. It's up there with seeing John Williams conduct bits of the Star Wars score. Surreal is the best I can come up with. Sephy's theme now requires full Druid choir! :) It looks like they'll bring the tour back next year, in which case if it comes to NYC I'm going to find a way to go again.

I've got a job in Manhattan. Flexible hours (I set my own schedule) and a pro-education environment. I really lucked out. Pays not fantastic but I'll take a cut in pay to be able to only work 4 days a week.

Paid my bills and am now "officially" enrolled at Hunter taking 4 courses (M 5:30-9:30, T and Th 7:30-9:30). I've going to have to catch Heroes and Survivor at later times but at least my courses sound interesting. Here's hoping!

I've submitted an application for an apartment, so I've got my fingers crossed. Still waiting for one more reference to tell me they've submitted theirs (or be warned I will search one of you out. Start thinking of nice things to say. :p).

Otherwise, I've been enjoying being a deadbeat kid for now. Beat Final Fantasy X finally. Not too bad overall. I liked that I could switch members at will without losing a turn. I used Auron (kickass), Tidas, Yuna, Rikku, and Lulu exclusively, so I had a pretty well rounded party. Had I leveled more, Rikku could have been lethal (maxed magic + Holy + Flare + doublecast + 1 MP cost ability = l33t) but I wanted to beat the game instead. :p However, it was still missing something. So, no it's not the best FF I've played. That honor still goes to 9. If I had to give an order, I'd say it's currently 9>8=10>7, pending the inevitable 7 remake (c'mon SE), in which case that order could look *very* different. I've still got X-2 (what I'm playing now - dress up ftw?), 12, 6, and tactics left. But not for awhile on some of those.

In terms of up & coming, I'm going to be online sporadically, if not at all, for the next 10 days. Going to be in Philly Thursday and Friday for the Sting & the Police concert. Then spending the night in Greeley, PA on Friday and visiting the siblings on Saturday at camp. THEN going to Lenox, MA to visit my Grandparents and see some concerts in Tanglewood. Should be home for a day or so Wednesday and Thursday. Then it's a 3-day trip to Cooperstown for the Baseball HoF and the induction. Finally, on the 30th, I die of exhaustion.

Not! If all goes well, I'll then be busy getting packed up to move to NYC. I can't believe it's almost August. Where did my summer go? ;-;

Ah, now I'm off to bed, since tomorrow is super-packing/errand/drop off pet day. And it all needs to be done by 2! O_o
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