Personal Responsibility

Jan 01, 2013 15:33

As we all fell off the fiscal cliff, a thought occurred to me.

Why is it that when these upper middle class wannabe-richies spend disgusting amounts of money on things like $4,000/month rentals in the most chi-chi neighborhoods, designer clothes, and hitting the bars and clubs every single weekend to the point that they whine about being broke between paychecks, no one bats an eyelash, but it's only the poor and really marginalized groups who frequently have "personal responsibility" shoved down our throats and yelled in our ears?

Hey, I haven't had a fucking vacation in six, soon to be seven, years. I have no debt. I only buy things I can pay for, like the grand total of two electronic devices throughout 2012 I purchased, one of which was a replacement for a stolen phone.
Just saying, it's pretty goddamn patronizing that the same people who whine about their tax dollars going to single mothers with three kids seem to have no reservations about making at least $70K/year and pissing it away on extravagant rentals and the latest styles to the point that they complain they're broke but when lightning strikes and pink slips go out, our tax dollars have to pay for their fucking unemployment checks when they had the wherewithal to build savings while poor people just don't.

Maybe EVERYONE needs to show personal responsibility, not just those who have less.
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