Mar 19, 2009 21:15
I'd feel a little left out if I didn't post something about the Tsubasa OAD.
O.M.G. thank you for including some snippets of Celes. I was so close to disowning this OAD :P
Pro: Faaaaaiiii~ I <3 Yoooooou. Some nice voice acting done for Fai and Kuro-pop once again. Watanuki's brief appearance cause me much joy also. Yay for cross-overness.
Con: Timing - They shortened scene's that needed to be longer. The way they shortened them had that feel of "Gah, I has only two minutes!" not the "OMG EPIC! HURRY UP MAN!!!" No urgency.
Pro: "Oi-" BITCHSMACK! "That's payback, Kuro-sama." <3 not as nicely animated as I would've hoped but the timing of the bitchsmack made me sniggle.
Con: THE MOKONA IS SMALL! Damnit I wish that white meat bun would stay one damn size. Animators from the Movie did the same thing. That dimension hopping round bunny doesn't fit in the palm of your hand -____- dookus.
Pro: Thank GOD you used the angle from the manga just there. That's is pretty nice looking.
Con: OMG! WHY!!! Why would you choose that angle?! It's so not flattering. That should be a side shot not a frontal shot of a not cool looking face.
Pro: Ashura's descent into madness.
Con: Surprise colours! Okay, so the Manga is black and white, but in the anime there's one or two brief flash backs or images of Ashura I'm sure. His forehead prongs are golden right? maybe it was just me, but now they're a really lame blue? I mean I don't mind the colour but there was no luster to the colouring, it was kinda flat like seriously, some of the colour just seemed washed out and...yurk.
Pro: Sakura and Fai flashback. And the shot of the Ashura stabbiness made me fangirl just a little. It was a nice bit of animation.
Con: WTF happened to his face! I know you were just insulted Kurogane but seriously what happened there?! If I had a screencap I'd show you but seriously, that was some poor quality animation.
Pro: "Don't die!" - Fai <3
Con: "Don't die!" - Fai's opening facial expression for that scene...not<3 He looks like he's gawping or something Damnit! but after that it wasn't too bad..........*sigh*
Pro: Ooh what a cool metal arm! I expected it all to be made of metal a-la FMA but it's not. Oooh did those wires just slither into your skin a bit then? Ooooooh, that's cool.
Con: Where are your claws Bampire Fai!?
Pro: Woo! Nice footwork!.
Con: Syaoran... your face looks a little thinner have you been eating right D:
Pro: Kick him in the head Syaoran! The fight scene there, while brief, was nice.
Con: Wasn't everyone except Fai and Tomoyo outside the barrier...?
Pro: Watanuki and Sakura <3 and then the Syaoran's!
Con: Can't they afford another soundtrack?
Pro: When Syaoran got smashed in the chest, that sounded/looked like it hurt.
Con: For someone who just sliced off his entire ARM you don't seem to be loosing a whole lot of blood there Kuro-chi
Pro: That opening scene, minus the really important part (army slicey), was nice animation.
Con: OMG what was with that stupid moment where they all stand in a little circle and laugh or something... I dunno a bit cheesy right there.
Pro: Fai removing the last of his magic from his eye; NICE *thumbs up* that was pretty.
Con: Fai's strangulation and conversation with Seishiro the animation of that bit and the bit after, did they give it to a n00b to do? It looks weird! Your mouth is in the wrong spot D:
Pro: I already talked about Watanuki, but xxxHolic and Tsubasa have different kinds of styles, Watanuki was still xxxHolic in this (or so I feel) and Sakura stayed Tsubasa too.
OVERALL: The animation was better than what I had thought it was going to be from looking at the trailer and previous experience with this artist, but it wasn't fantastic. They messed up a few key scenes not majorly but being as they're key scenes they're kind of important. The voice acting, as always, was awesome sauce pizza. The music wasn't intrusive but it was the normal Tsubasa score pretty much, I couldn't hear anything new from that corner but it was fine. Some scenes were a little under par, but others were just like the manga so I was pleased more or less. I'm looking forward to the sub!
Also: Thanks someone for pointing out that in the opening scene Kurogane lifts Fai OUT of his jacket, I totally missed that, I thought "wait wasn't he wearing the white one?" but the thought didn't progress much further.