Jan 03, 2009 20:20
I bought Prince of Persia on XBawks360 after having borrowed the PC version from a mate.
Duuuude, sooo much easier! No longer am I contained within 4 directional buttons! huzzah I tell you! Huzzah!
Also, now when some guys about to sticker me and the Yellow (Y) button comes up, I don't sit there going "damn... which button is that?...magic? and magic is....E! - ah! wait, already dead." I just hit the button! This is awesome, fighting became so much more fun!
I would suggest that if you could, you should play you some Prince of Persia. The dialogue between Elika and the Prince is surprisingly good, and physics engine they modified from Assassin's Creed is definitely improved. It still has that great sense of weight to the character, and yeah, it's just beautiful. Elika isn't at all a cumbersome second character follow you around pain in the butt; she's actually useful! I don't even mind waiting a second while she jumps on my back when I climb vines. Although, THANK SOMEONE that you don't die in this game, I've had quite a few misjudged jumps, and accidental "DAMNIT RUN ALONG THE WALL NOT UP IT!" moments that would have been painful if I'd been sent back to the start of the level/area or something. Same with the fighting, it would just seem lame if they killed me and I got a game over screen, Elika saving my but and the enemy guy regaining some health is fine, keeps some nice game flow.
All in all Prince of Persia - <3