Yay for Heroes being back! The part with Linderman and Nathan was interesting. I'm curious about his power...but even more curious about Mama Petrelli's power. She must have one and I bet it's really interesting since they keep getting around telling us about it. The rest of the episode was fairly predictable, but still well executed and still a great episode, although not the best one ever. Although, the end with Hiro and Ando was *awesome* and I'm really pumped for next week.
GG was pretty this week too. Yay L&L<3 I loved when she started smiling when they were fighting. The scene at the door at the end was cute too. It's weird because I was totally chill during the whole Christopher thing and I was "ok they'll get back together eventually" and I barely even minded that they had like no scenes together and now they finally have scenes together, but I just really want them to get back together...like now haha. Oh, and Paris is my favorite. She's so awesome, she just steals the show. I was glad she worked things Doyle because I love him too. I kind of figured they be back together by the end of the episode though. Sad that Rory didn't get the New York Times thing, but she was dumb for not taking that job last week. I was so annoyed when she didn't take it. The promo was kind of shocking...I always say I'm not going to watch them because GG promos tend to be so spoilery...and then I do anyway. Erg. On a shallow note, Lorelai's clothes were so fugly -- that puffy shirt was really making me angst and I wasn't to fond of that dress in the diner scene either. Like, I was going to make some icons, but then I decided not to because the clothes were so awful. =/
I liked Lost too... I'm very glad the baby is Jin's ((although I kind of figured it would be that she go pregnant on the island so it would be different from Claire)). Sun better not die though! Seriously, two of my favorite characters are now condemned to die now. :( Although, knowing Lost this might create a safetly for them. I'm really starting to love Juliet -- I have a feeling she might end up doing something against her plan with Ben to help Sun. I loved Jin in this episode too -- he's totally becoming one of my favorites. The end was such a WTF? moment. I realllly hope they follow up on it next week and it doesn't become another one of those Lost huge-end-of-the-episode-reveals-that-is-never-mentioned-again.
You would think that considering I like Alex/Izzie, Alex/Addison, and Mark/Addison I could end up being happy no matter how Grey's went, but they've managed to kill all of those pairing plus George/Callie, which I like too. :( That said, it was a fairly enjoyable episode ((penis fish? lmfao)), but I felt sooo bad for Callie, and, surprisingly, Mark. The last A/A scene was weird and awkward and I really didn't like it... it just seemed contrived since she was leaving the show, meh. I'm starting to look forward to the spin-off, but I'm really going to miss her on Grey's. Anyway, Burke and Cristina are great, but George and Izzie? Normally, when a show really tries to shove a pairing down the viewers throat and kill all the other pairing for the characters, I at least try to tolerate them...but I just...can't. Ugh. I'm very angry. :[
I love October Road! It better get another season, which I think it will, but I will be sad if it doesn't because I've grown much fonder of it than I would've thought in six episodes. I'm not sure how I feel about Nick choosing Hannah. I mean, I definitely ship them, but it seems to soon for him to admit he still has feelings for her. Sam continues to be awesome though. I had a feeling Gavin Goddard ((sp?)) would be a real person...didn't expect him to show up though. I still think Nick is Sam's father though...it would really suck if he wasn't though. Eddie and Janet are adorable -- I loved the twirl bit. I loved the Eddie went with Nick at the end too. Poor Owen, he's so sweet. Allison pretty much sucks, but I have to admit I can't help feeling a bit bad for Ikey too. It seems like he actually has feelings for her and she was pretty much using him. Even still he was the one feeling guiltier all along and wanted to end it. Good for Physical Phil for coming out of the house too, and I'm glad Pizza Girl saw. :)
I watch too much TV.