May 08, 2008 13:10
For once, I'm talking about stabbity-ing myself.
I just got subjected to a 30-40 minute long recounting of one of my coworker's trips with her family down to Arkansas. This is the one who feels the need to verbal-vomit to everyone who can't run away fast enough will listen about her redneck family and their divorces and such. She also insisted that an F5 tornado went through the area of Arkansas she drove through. Uh. Huh. Did I mention she gave me a blank look when I mentioned the Fujita scale?
My other lovely redneck coworker has been gone essentially ALL WEEK. How did she do this, when she's completely out of vacation time? Well, the company guidelines do allow vacation time to be used before it is earned. Of course, if anyone else tried to do it, they'd get denied. But then, we don't all hang out with BossLady at kareoke, now do we? You can get approved for 40 hours. Mind you, until you've worked here a full 10 years, you earn 2.3 hours per week. Anyone else have a problem with this?
I'm just sick of all of it.
Oh. I should go look at Classifieds again. Of course, there's probably nothing new that wasn't there yesterday, none of which I'm qualified for. (I'm not interested in getting a McJob, thanks.) I fail to see why a person with good work ethic and a nice, broad skill-set can't get anywhere. I swear, once I have that car I'm going to start looking for stuff in other areas. If it wasn't for the whole benefits problem, I'd happily quit this job and go pick up two part-time jobs that don't cause my blood to boil. Maybe I'll even look at stuff in other states... The only problem there would be the lease on the apartment. But with its location, I betcha I could find someone to take it or sublease it if I absolutely had to.
Heh. One day on one of the sites, there actually was a job specific to the program I do. Sadly, they didn't list a salary. And Syracuse NY is kinda cold for part of the year. Part of me was tempted to apply for it, just to see what the salary was. Hell, you'd think if nothing else some telecom company would hire me if they're participating in the program. I know my way around this program quite well, thanks.
I'm still vaguely kicking around the idea of paying one of those places (careerfinder or monster et al) to draft a resume for me. It's hellishly expensive ($200+), but might be worth it if it gets me a job elsewhere. Of course, the only thing I'm remotely qualified to do is customer service, which I hate, or data entry, which I hated less but which killed my arms. Or library work, which I would actually enjoy. (I'm a freak.)
As usual, anything requiring that much financial commitment is on hold until the car situation is resolved. I've swung back towards prefering the idea of getting one of the cheaper cars at Johnny I's. I can always upgrade to a nicer car in a few years, assuming I don't, y'know, crash that one into metal bits. If I get a slightly less expensive car, I can have more money free for maintenance on it. And for other things I actually, y'know, enjoy. Plus, it sounds like car insurance for the first 6 months is going to be a bit higher than I originally anticipated. So a lower car payment would be handy.
Bah. *sigh*