(no subject)

Apr 18, 2008 11:33

It's 11:30 and I'm out of things to do. Boourns. So, time to write an incredibly meandering LJ entry! Whee!

Today started off well, with me waking up late again, rushing through my morning routine, and still being too late to catch the #8. So, I had to speedwalk down to the #1. Damp weather + swollen knee + fast walking = OW. But hey, I got to work on-time, without having to use any more sick leave. Go me! :p

Last night while lying in bed trying to sleep, I started composing a poem/song. And it was good. But I've now forgotten most of it. That's unfortunate. Not that I could've gotten the music itself written out. I should've listened to the little voice going "Get out of bed and write down the verse, stupid, before you forget it." Oooh. Okay, there were two songs, not one. Bah. All lost now, except the titles. I only remembered the second one just now because I vaguely remembered there was a song (instrumental) in The Lion King by the same title. Different music, though.

I miss being in high school, when I had lots of free time and could sit around and do creative writing stuff. Now I get home and I just don't feel like it. I can't even remember the last time I set something non-prose to paper. Welcome to adulthood, I guess.

Urgh. I'm having one of those days where artificial lights hurt my eyes. That's bad. Especially since I have about 7 more hours to go here. *sob*

So...yeah. What else can I talk about today? I'm running out of stuff. How about monkeys. Wanna talk about monkeys? No? Awwww. I need more monkeys. Or chimps. Or other ape-like critters. I want to go to a zoo so I can go have fun for a day. I really think my first long-distance trip in the new car is going to be out to Salina to visit the Rolling Hills Zoo. I've only been there once, and I absolutely loved it. Its a nice place to wander around. Of course, that's a pretty long drive out there. :p But the Topeka Zoo sucks anymore, and the one in Kansas City is in high-traffic areas. Blargh. Can I move? I want to move someplace where a nice zoo is nearby, and offers memberships where I could go visit all the freaking time. And to have a job that has hours that'll let me arrange that.

I'm remembering now why I ruled out any jobs that required physical activity. I couldn't do something that required climbing on ladders or heavy lifting. Not with this stupid left knee. It's been doing that fun buckling thing where the joint fails and I have to catch all my rather considerable weight on that leg using just muscles. *wince* Yeah. Go look at office jobs, Jessie. Nice, boring office jobs where I sit in a chair and don't piss off the knee.

I wonder which day the parents will decide to come in. I need to get to the bank Saturday so I can get more quarters and do more laundry. Yay laundry? I'm getting caught up, though. If they come in tomorrow, I'm going to have to spend tonight cleaning up the kitchen. My parents are going to help me move the table and eliptical if I have to chain them to the damn things and get out a bullwhip.

ARRRRGH! I'm going to strangle one of my coworkers. We had a person call in about whether this particular rule applied to some equipment they purchased in 2004. The ruling (by the FCC) stated the rule was effective as of the publishing date of the order (Dec. 2003), but because of bureaucracy, would not appear on the actual forms until year 2005. To me, this means that yes, the rule applied. She wants to argue that "No, it says 2005!" No, that's what the little "effective as of" clause means, you idiot. I'm sick of her arguing with me on everything. She's a completely irrational person. I pull out facts and documents and procedures and precedents, and she wants to argue because she doesn't like it. Fuck. That.

I hate people. I really do. Especially women. They're these completely emotional, irrational little beings that are incapable of listening to reason. They feel the need to vomit emotionally all over you in some attempt to bond. They feel the need to bombard you with tales of their stupid families. (You know what? I have NO INTENTION of having kids, and I do not currently HAVE kids, so I therefore do not CARE about your tales of raising your two little broken condoms. Okay?)

I just find myself incapable of understanding anyone I'm supposed to understand. Women are all insane and incomprehensible. People my age are all lazy and stupid and vulgar and I can't understand half of what they're talking about. Academic types are out of touch with reality, and are almost impossible to have real conversations with. Working class types have a severely limited worldview and don't care about much of anything. Why is it that I live in a social No Man's Land where I am completely incapable of conversing with or relating to anyone?

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