it's rachel's house. i went to visit her the other day and took eric's digital camera along with me, because i realized i haven't taken any pictures of cierra lately and i wanted you to see what she looks like now. :)
cierra is *very* independant, stubborn, NEEDS her way and when she wants something she damn well better have it right then, LOL. basically she takes after me... ;) haha. she loves eminem, you should see her dance when we play "without me", it's sooooo cute and halarious, OMG! she shakes her little toosh and everything, LOL. she loves to find a book and climb up on your lap so you can read to her. she'll point to the pictures and say, "what's that?". :) she is saying so many things now! it's unbelievable. you can pretty much say a word and she will repeat it. and she *loves* playing a game where you hide her shoes, and you ask her, "where are your shoes, cierra?" and she will go look for them, hehe.
whenever i'm with her she always wants me to hold her & cuddle with her, it's so cute. like the two pictures of me and her, she had climbed up on my lap before-hand and gave me a hug. :) awwwwww.
i think her favorite food is peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. :) i can't believe she is almost 2 years old. wow. and my mom *loves* being a grandma. i don't think she'll ever get tired of it, hehe.
yipes! her ears hear eminem?! LOL you mean the *uncensored* version? i wish i could meet her. she does seem so sweet. and looks sooooooooo much like you & rachel's baby pictures!
LOL! no, the censored version. i have it on a burned cd of mine that has all the curses bleeped out.. hehe. you absolutely *have* to meet her someday soon, before she gets too old. btw, you're not the first to point that out about the baby pictures,-- everyone that has seen them has said there is an uncanny resemblance between me & cierra. isn't that cool?! :D
it's rachel's house. i went to visit her the other day and took eric's digital camera along with me, because i realized i haven't taken any pictures of cierra lately and i wanted you to see what she looks like now. :)
cierra is *very* independant, stubborn, NEEDS her way and when she wants something she damn well better have it right then, LOL. basically she takes after me... ;) haha. she loves eminem, you should see her dance when we play "without me", it's sooooo cute and halarious, OMG! she shakes her little toosh and everything, LOL. she loves to find a book and climb up on your lap so you can read to her. she'll point to the pictures and say, "what's that?". :) she is saying so many things now! it's unbelievable. you can pretty much say a word and she will repeat it. and she *loves* playing a game where you hide her shoes, and you ask her, "where are your shoes, cierra?" and she will go look for them, hehe.
whenever i'm with her she always wants me to hold her & cuddle with her, it's so cute. like the two pictures of me and her, she had climbed up on my lap before-hand and gave me a hug. :) awwwwww.
i think her favorite food is peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. :) i can't believe she is almost 2 years old. wow. and my mom *loves* being a grandma. i don't think she'll ever get tired of it, hehe.
i wish i could meet her. she does seem so sweet. and looks sooooooooo much like you & rachel's baby pictures!
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