An Officer, 1793
syntinen_laulu says:
from the collar embroidery it’s clearly something quite senior, around chef-de-bataillon [roughly, colonel] level. Could be something of a staff nature, since you wouldn’t expect embroidery on an ordinary regimental officer; but also he could be Garde Nationale - which would make sense, as presumably you’d need to be in Paris to have your likeness physionotraced.
If anyone has any suggestions for who he could be, please let me know! He's by the same artists who did the lovely one of Max.
I found these while googling around - Mirabeau, La Fayette, and a few others:
Mirabeau (cannot believe he’s a decade younger than me!)
La Fayette
Mme Brissot
Unknown with stripy waistcoat
François Chabot
Dauphin Louis-Joseph