
May 21, 2014 00:36

Various meanderings… Apols for delay in updating!

Well, Dad and I had a lovely time in Italy - I especially recommend Santa Croce in Florence, and the Duomo in Pisa - and plan to return in the autumn. Meanwhile, I'm still jogging along with the Cullen Project. I didn't get the Wellcome funding for my Leeds medical pictures project (this time), but am looking into alternatives and still wish to pursue it. With help from the ever-wonderful Lisa, I have got a lead on one of the guys and a bit more on one of the girls (and her family in the picture-frame business), so they are coming to life more for me.

I'm in a better place emotionally/psychologically than I have been for a while, after 2012-13's bad run. While it's unlikely that I'll get a formal diagnosis on the NHS (as I'm an adult and generally manage OK when things aren't stressful), I have a clearer picture of where my strengths and weaknesses are now, and intend to stick to playing to my strengths - not trying to be a square peg in a round hole. I may be a congenital Geek with sod-all self-awareness, obscure obsessions, and occasionally off-kilter emotional responses, but I can be a happy Geek. A friend on Guardian CiF had spotted me as one of "the tribe" just from the way I write about things; Dad had wondered sometimes, from things I used to do and say as a child. There's a kind of peace in recognising I have a tribe: I spent 10 years of my school-days as if I had an invisible "Hit Me" sign on my back, because I couldn't even try to fit in or modify who I am. It's still a case of WYSIWYG.

I'm continuing my Hobbit fanfic, and enjoying writing it tremendously.

fandom, psychology, tolkien, medical history, italy

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