Well. I'm not dead. Not yet, anyway, despite the Universe's attempts. Here's a quick list of what happened since I last posted:
- Head injury back in May, that decided to have complications slowly and steadily since then.
- Sudden and lingering computer death. Getting parts to fix it almost impossible. And now my new-ish laptop is rarely on speaking terms with my router.
- My Spitha has breast cancer. Well, since she's impossible to let the vet examine her, that's what I'm assuming her tumor is. So we're trying our best, and so far is normal. Save for that damned tumor.
On the brighter side:
- My nephew was born about ten days ago, and he's perfect and gorgeous.
- The rest of the cats are fine. Save for Mr. Kitten, but that's no new.
- I had two short story sales, and I'll post about them in detail later (assuming this old junk cooperates). And considering I wrote only three stories this year so far, well, that's a good ratio. *headdesk* And those are "What now, Callisthenes" to the
Triangulation: Morning After anthology (already available), and "Ouroboros" to the feminist SF anthology due Spring 2013 "
The Other Half of the Sky." More on both later.
More hopefully later. Now the Feline Overlords demand to be fed.