I've been going through an awful lot of my old files and fic etc and I came across this short drabble. I might have posted it before, perhaps in a comment somewhere, but for the life of me I have no idea where. I really need to be more competent with tagging. So as part of my effort to segue back into writing, I present it to you here with quivering knees.
mel39 aka Kirsten of the West Country and glorious provider of missing 24 eps, here's a random Summer/Ryan drabble.
It'd taken a while for them to get here, from a drunken stumble at a beach party so many, many nights ago, through the night when Seth had told her the inevitable and the name of the boy in question, to finally another night when they'd both looked at each other a little too long, a little too intensely out by the pool.
Lying here now, their bodies cradling one another in the aftermath, Summer couldn't believe it had taken so long. The spark she had with Ryan, the rollercoaster of her heartbeat when she was with him, knowing that he felt the same way as she did, it was more than electric, it was raw and bright; a sunburst of happiness, of contentment.
"Do you ever wish that it'd happened sooner?" she asked, feeling a charge ripple down her spine as Ryan's foot grazed hers.
"I never really thought about it," Ryan replied honestly.
"That night on the beach, with the fashion show, it could have started there."
"I guess." Ryan said his mouth curling upwards as the memory replayed, "It crossed my mind."
Summer basked in the smile, the way he let it dance out just for her.
"You were such a gentleman, standing back for Seth."
"I'm very chivalrous."
Sensing sleep returning to claim her, Summer closed her eyes, Ryan's contented smile echoed across her own lips. Feeling like this, safe and warm and comforted, this was worth the wait.