I wasn't in the mood to write tonight, or I couldn't think how to start saying anything that's related to how I'm feeling lately, so I randomly started drawing. Unfortunately, I did it on the back of scrap paper, in pencil, so it's not exactly a stellar rendering. I sort of know how to draw people. It would probably help if I practiced with photos first, instead of drawing from my head.
I didn't get very far with this one, which I drew tonight:
And this one was a sketch of a Kult (rp) character named Samantha. She was a little weird. Imagine her with multi-colored hair, in addition to mis-matched clothing. [Note: I have no idea why it's upside down in the thumb. It should be right-side-up at the source, just click on the thumbnail.]
Things I need to work on: eyes, specifically eyelashes. I have NO idea how to draw eyelashes without making them look like a blur around the eyes. Drawing in general.
My mother used to be an awesome drawer (is that the word for it?). I wish she could still do that. I wish *I* could do that. Then again, the little skill I have comes from being very bored in a civics & government class freshman year of high school...Yeah, I drew the people around me. It meant I didn't fall asleep listening to the teacher, and still managed to hear the lecture.