
Nov 21, 2012 16:45

I drove home last night, starting around 6:30 and getting here around 9pm. It normally takes less time than that, but I hit some bottleneck traffic around Hartford due to the last bit of rush hour traffic trying to get by an area blocked off for road work (there was no one working).

Gabby chose to spend most of the ride sleeping, for which I am profoundly thankful. Not only was I in pain despite Tylenol, I had managed to damage the right arm of my glasses, so my glasses weren't sitting properly. I was wondering why I had a little trouble staying inside the lines, and then put my glasses on in preparation to drive to Wal*Mart today, and realized that my depth perception was screwy because the lens on one side was a lot closer to my eye than it was supposed to be. Whoops. What happens when the arm pops off 5 minutes before I try to drive. Luckily, it looks like my dad was able to fix it, since the break was mostly that the part that screws inside the arm wasn't staying screwed--he had a glue for making threads on screws stay where they're supposed to. At any rate, between the glasses and the pain, I didn't need a third, very vocal, distraction. Gabby does seem to adjust to moving between here and school pretty well, although Scooter was hissing at the door to my room last night.

Once I got home, I spent a few hours talking to the 'rents. First my father and step-mother, then just my step-mother because Dad went to bed. I caught myself smiling a lot--I noticed because my face hurt a little bit from smiling so much. It's a nice feeling. I anticipate a wonderful Thanksgiving day tomorrow, with people who know how to be a good family (rather than a dysfunctional one).

I set my alarm this morning for 10:30 am, figuring to sleep in. Nope. My sleep cycle is back to normal enough (post tech week) that I woke up before 10am. Ah, well. It happens.

I've had a pretty restful day, and greatly enjoyed spending time with my dad when he got home from work. All in all, I'm glad both for the break from school and for being home.
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