Thinky thoughts

Jan 14, 2011 15:26

I'm reading the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins and I'm two-thirds of the way through Mockingjay and I've discovered that Katniss was placed in squad 451. As soon as I saw that I wondered if it was a tip of the hat to Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451, which the Hunger Games series has definitely similar themes from (fire, big-brother government, rebellion) but it's such a small thing that I also wonder if I'm overthinking this. It would be absolutely freaking brilliant if it were a deliberate reference to Fahrenheit 451, but it's a reference a lot of the audience for the books would miss because a lot of people just haven't read Fahrenheit 451 (which is a shame). I don't know if Suzanne Collins did this on purpose or not but it's all I can think about now and it makes my estimation of her as an author and of the series go up a bit.

general, books

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