Feb 15, 2012 21:19
hilefwghluief qhouefq hu;efqwhouefqho;efwknbhbjkfebjlkefwjbkefkq j;hi'dw bk;feqbk;efw
Special Event for the 10th anniversary
Only available to people who buy the limited edition or first press regular edition of the Our Future DVD, no FC tickets AT ALL!! One in Osaka-jo Hall and one in YokoAri
Seriously after last year and fiasco that was the special live for me, I WANT IT SO BAD!
edit: Anyone getting a copy (before 3/5) not living in Japan willing to part with their serial code to benefit the 'PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let Usa see the special event this year OMG' fund would be MY HERO
edit again: If it even works that way I am still digesting the email