Oct 22, 2010 17:43
So since I didn't really update this much in the last few months I guess I should sum up. I'm really surprised that I didn't do a sort of melacholy "I'm leaving" post before I left the US because I pretty much always do. I was kinda melancholy, but I was WAY too busy to write about it I guess.
So I'm in Japan again, this time in the Super Inaka(rural/small town). But fear not, for I am not in the Super-Mega Inaka like some people in this same prefecture, nor am I in the Super-Mega-Ultra Inaka, like my friend Jeff, who lives on an island no one has ever heard of between Japan and Korea. I'm in Shimane prefecture, in a city called Izumo. Izumo is pretty mcuh where its at when it comes to Shimane prefecture, so I could be a lot worse off. Plus the people here are super nice.
So thats where I'm at, teaching Junior High School kids English. I work for the local BOE (Board of Education) as an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) and I go to 3 schools and work with 6 JTEs (Japanese Teachers of English). Basically I'm a JET program flunky, making good money and either making a fool of myself for the kids, or sitting at my desk twiddling my thumbs trying to look busy.
In others news, my Johnny's/Jpop-Fu is apparently still a force to be reckoned with. You all my remember how many times in the past I have had pretty brilliant things happen for me in regards to Johnny's/Jpop in general. (TMR came to a concert I was already going to, Corey and I managed a freakin impossible feat and saw T&T in our brief two weeks in Japan, a bunch of us met and danced with AAA in Baltimore, I continued to land decent isle seats for most concerts, Anna and I got pulled up onstage to meet Shibutani Subaru, immediately followed by freakin amazing seats for the KATTUN concert). As it stands so far this time, not only have I been able to navigate fanclub memberships etc in Japanese mostly on my own, but so-far I have landed every single ticket me and my new friend Kim have balloted for. Thats 5 tickets for Hiroshima to see Kanjani8, at concert location which is notoriously hard to get tickets for. We only needed 3 at most.
Also, if I am correct in assuming they are not using the removable seating section, I have landed the first row in the stands to see my favorite T&T in their comeback tour. Yey!
Now keep your fingers crossed that my powers will not fail me when it comes to that backstage pass chance! Cause I'd really love to meet them after admiring them for so long.
Seriously though I don't know how I manage it. All I can say is if you like Johnny's/Jpop apparently I'm the person to see a concert with.