I'm not talking about karma or anything, but I love that I'm always right in the long run...and oh so humble too.
My work schedule has been ridicula-awesome, I <3 working parties w/ big chefs and getting paid in cash, hanging out with Rosses and Shuffords and Crafts and Andrew and Beaver and Eric has been wonderful of course, mostly naked girls are fun, this weekend/Salvador Dali will be amazing, and next weekend is Baton Rouge and I have the next day off...the next nine days, actually. Adventures to ensue.
And a new job that pays highly well for only having to work two days a month...yay.
"I know, I know, 'It's all happening.'"
Everyone's doing so well right now...I like that we're all happy.
What happened to using LJ for sarcastic life commentary?
Eh...I can save that for real life.
To save this entry, I present a link to funny flash short thingys: