Jan 26, 2014 00:10
So I always have one junky tv show that I love haters to the left. For a long time, until the bitter end, that was Gossip Girl. And when that ended, I picked up The Carrie Diaries... except that show is genuinely sweet and very nice. Not junky at all, actually.
And somehow, tonight, that new junky show became Reign. I. Don't. EVEN.
I am a movie costume history lover and such and the costumes in this show are not even remotely period. Nothing is period. The ladies in waiting names are SO NOT PERIOD it makes me twitch. I am SCA period policing this thing. And OMG Anne of Green Gables is Queen Catherine and she is so good. The history isn't really history... I think AC does a significantly better job making fiction historical (or making history fictional). Nostradamus is all up in this thing and I can't bring myself to care. And the not even remotely period modern music they use is... really well chosen? And Susan from the Narnia movies?
I don't know how this show defied the odds to become my new guilty pleasure show, but mission accomplished Reign. Mission accomplished.
- A