15 Things you Shouldn't do at the Beach When you're Injured

Jul 27, 2010 16:27

Here are some things not to do at the beach when you have a bum ankle:

1. Park a block and a half from the beach.

2. Head in one direction, then decide it's too close to the pier and walk twice as far the other way.

3. Walk on hot sand.

4. Stand on hot sand while waiting for your husband to put up the umbrella.

5. Take off your sandals and walk on very hot sand without foot protection to the water.

6. Believe your husband when he says the waves are better farther out until you almost get knocked over and have to catch yourself on your bad ankle.... thereby hurting it.

7. Storm out of the water and across hot sand without foot protection back to the umbrella.

8. Forget your book.

9. Decide to walk back across hot sand without foot protection because you're now so hot you can feel your hair sizzling.

10. Splash saltwater and sand in your eyes while trying to get wet and yet avoid the enormous waves.

11. Try to rescue a little girls octupus shaped sand sifter and then shrug helplessly as it floats away while considering the unnecessary pain it would put you through to go after it.

12. Forget to take down the umbrella and hobble after it in hot sand as it blows across the beach.

13. Stand in hot sand as you apologize to the women your umbrella blew into.

14. Walk in hot sand back to the chairs to replace the umbrella.

15. Drink Gatoraide knowing that the nearest bathroom is 5 blocks away.

And you know, I still managed to have a pretty good time considering.

injuries, beach

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