X-mas season....cheer?

Dec 15, 2006 13:51

Why do people in supermarkets move like slugs? Is there ANY sort of reason for this? Apart from prolonging the "shopping experience"?

I got so frustrated today I just wanted to scream. I mean, exactly *what* do you stop and ponder in a supermarket? The existential significance of spanish vs swedish tomatoes? Feeling the world angst when chosing frozen pizza?

I just don't get it. In this day and age, NOBODY should be allowed into a supermarket who cannot show that they can

a) move in a speed faster than 100 m/hour
b) write a list of what they are going to buy
c) sorted out their existentialistic ponderings visavi food before entering

And for the LOVE of everything holy, discussions on whether or not you should have potatoes/rice/pasta/beef tartar should, if possible, be conducted without completely blocking people from passing. If you had a minimum of organisational skills, you could have sorted this out before enterting the store.

If you feel the need to have 10 min discussions on the merits of a special kind of sausage, then please, avoid standing next to the tomato-pondering people who've turned to stone due to not moving an inch in the last 5 hours.

Oh yes, I am also looking forward to the increasing amount of people in the supermarkets during the upcoming week. Every day closer to X-mas we come, the more it seems like the Last Day is Here ( - Tomorrow There Will Be No Food, We Have To Buy It All NOW! Before It Is Too Late!).

I sometimes wonder what people do with the insane piles of food they buy around Christmas. Do they actually eat it all? The thought is mindboggling.
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