3 days left on my old job, on Thursday I'll start the new!! It feels very strange. I also just realised I need to clean out my office and bring even more plants home!! And other random stuff. Oh woe. :p
I counted my plants yesterday and it's a lie that I have 60. I didn't get further than 52, plus three on the balcony. Then I realised I have six at work, and I'll bring them home so....once again I wil hit the 60 mark!! Fan-bloody-tastic.
There's some sort of renovation inspection going on in my flat today and I left them a message saying the heating was extremely sub-par. I wonder if they will actually react this time since I have complained about it before and got zero reply. My landlord is uggh.
WoW news....
joskination and I were successfully two-manning Mauradon (rogue and mage) on Friday evening when we got PUGed for AQ40. Interesting, except we should have had dinner BEFORE that. We spent what? 4 hours raiding, and it should have been interesting, except we kept whiping here and there and we got hungrier and grumpier. I didn't get dinner until 12.30 and by then I had consumed over half a bottle of wine and didn't even eye-boggle anymore when I got two-shotted by
Lord Kri in the bug-trio. :p Oh, I was also the only one in the raid without a bug-mount cos I was lagged, then got tells and didn't roll in time, or at all, and then too low. :/ I phail @ rolling.
However, we (read "me" :p ) might have failed at AQ40, but we pwnt Mauradon and two-manned even a lot of bosses, like Razorlash and Noxxion. :p It's always a bit emo when you can't gank lowbies outside instances, but at least we watched some gnomes overaggro themselves into some problems outside the Mauradon entrance. And there was much rejoicing etc.
EDIT2: PUG = Pick Up Group, which means we were not part of the "regulars" :p