"Heroes" series

Feb 11, 2012 10:07

I have gotten really lazy about posting entries... Oh well. My life right now consists of work, cosplay meetings, and Final Fantasy XIV. It's keeping me busy enough.

I am also in the process of reading a series of books recommended to me by
yukinoomoni. I think it's referred to as the "Heroes" series by fans, but it doesn't seem like there is a series title. The first book is called "Resenting the Hero", and it is by Moira J. Moore.

I am currently reading book four, so obviously I like the series.

The book is written in first-person, which is a style I really like when it's done well. It is done well here. Lee's voice is matter-of-fact and sarcastic, which makes her an ideal choice for a narrator. I doubt this would have worked as well with the other main character, so definite points for effective storytelling and choice of perspective.

One unfortunate thing about the first book is that it begins with a somewhat lengthy introduction to the world the characters live in, its quirks, and all of the necessary things that go on. We need to have this information, or nothing that happens at the beginning will make sense. This is another reason why I appreciate the choice of first person perspective, and Lee's voice in particular, because without the interjections of commentary from her, this info dump would have been a lot to go through right at the beginning of the story. Moore manages to make it interesting as well as informative.

The world she's developed is envisioned well, from its overall setup right down to the details of daily life. The differences between life on the islands in the third book and the regular life on the mainland drove home for me how well Moore has done with creating a concrete vision of her world. The whole idea of Sources and Shields is pretty neat, but it's the way they interact with others - the way others perceive them, and how it comes out in their behavior - that has kept me engrossed. The notion is very rooted in fantasy, but it seems real here. I find it particularly amusing how Lee thinks of spellcrafting. "MY fantasy-based behavior, that's a skill and it's completely normal and believable, but yours? Make believe!"

It's also a novel way to have two very different characters who would otherwise not have done more than maybe cross paths briefly forced into partnership. The contrast between the two of them works really well, and their interactions are pure gold. It was kind of obvious from the start that Taro was going to be more than Lee made him out to be, but I knew right away that I was going to enjoy having her find that out. After the first book, I felt like I had a comfortable enough knowledge of the two of them that they seemed like friends. For me, this is always the sign that the characterization is a success.

Each book is a separate story while still remaining part of an overall arc. I certainly wouldn't recommend reading the later books in the series without having first read the ones that come before them (you'd probably be lost), but at the same time, the major conflict of each book starts and ends within it. There are still some things that haven't been explained, and some points of conflict that have yet to be resolved, but enough is wrapped up that I don't feel left on a cliffhanger at the end of each one. However, enough is still left uncovered to keep me reaching for the next book.

One more thing I want to comment on: in this world that Moore has created, homosexuality is treated as perfectly normal. Not even a subject of discussion. It's not shoved in anyone's face, there's no statement being made. It just is, and the characters accept it as a matter of course. The main couple is a heterosexual one, but there are couples of the same sex here and there, and no one thinks anything of it. They're just regular couples like everyone else.

It's... well, it's brilliant. Why doesn't the real world work like that? Seriously.

Overall, what would I say about this series? It's good. The plot is solid, the characters are fun, the world is interesting and well-crafted, and there is a strong narrative.

Highly recommended!

This entry was originally posted at http://silverthunder.dreamwidth.org/579880.html.

moira j moore, review, books

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