On the controversial subject of the casting of the Last Airbender movie...
yukinoomoni made a good post on the subject
She links to an article that is amazingly well-written and which I think everyone should read. It presents a very compelling case for not seeing the movie. However, there are a lot of points brought up in the comments on
yukinoomoni's post that are fairly compelling as well. I think it's worth taking note of those.
I don't have a firm stance on this issue: I hate the racism in the casting and don't want to support it. However, I love ATLA and want to support it. And if the movie flops, you can be fairly sure it will hurt the potential further development of the animated series.
In the end, I'm going to see the movie, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't mainly because I really just want to see it. You can think whatever you like about me for making that decision.