I suspect most of you already saw
this, but for those of you who are interested in WoW and don't follow the comms (or of course missed Blizzcon on Friday), have a look, if you don't mind being spoilered, that is. :)
And if anyone wants to buy me a new graphics card and/or larger memory card for my 5 year old Lenovo so I can play the game when the Xpac releases, well, now you know what to get me for the holidays.
My thoughts on the new Xpac:
Yay! Worgen! I will likely roll one up (and by then, Ari might actually be level capped for the current xpac so I'll actually want to play an alt and not feel guilty because she's not 'done' yet).
I am however disappointed that it looks like the entire world will wind up getting re-written, because I really wanted to be able to play several characters up to level and experience the lore from more than one or two angles. But with as slow as I level, it looks like I might get one more character 'in' (probably one of my ally toons) before the world goes to shit, so to speak...which makes me a little sad. It also makes me wonder how game play will alter for my other lowbie alts if/when I get around to dusting them off and playing them again.
Human hunters! WHOO! Well, mostly. I am a little miffed that Blizz is just now getting around to that class combination, because in all honesty, that's really the combo I'd wanted to start out with all along...and now I'm entirely too attached to Ari to want to invest more time in a second hunter toon (well, except for the one I made for gaming with The Bro. ;) ), so, yeah. Maybe the Worgen will have that option, although I'll be honest in that I'd get a bit of sick glee if they had Paladins. :D (I also like the concept of Tauren Paladins...and yes, I've seen the Holy Cow! jokes ad naseum already. (And you know there'll be a bunch of them running around in game too, unless Blizz puts it on their 'no no' list of names).
Goblins...eh. I'm so used to them being 'neutral' that having Horde-exclusive ones will be kinda weird, so I'm not sure how I feel about it, especially since right now they're all neutral, and there's several quest chains that involve both Ally and Horde equally. Although, if they're tearing the world up, and the old quests won't be around anymore, I suppose that it won't mess 'continuity' up that much.
The graphics have finally caught up with console games, which fills me with glee...and dread. Because, as I mentioned above the cut, I have an old laptop that probably won't be able to handle the new stuff, even if I wipe everything else off it. So I'll either need an upgrade, or a new comp. :/ Guess I know what the tax return will be for next year... :P
Flying Mounts in the Main World! WHOO! Let me tell you, once you hit Outland and can afford your first flyer, going back to Old World (especially in Northrend. I mean, what? Seriously, Blizz, you couldn't think of a better gold dump fpr players than 'cold weather flying?' ARGH!), is a serious drag, even with swift mounts. Okay, yes, I'm spoiled, but hey... :P
Overall, I'm excited. I just hope the new 'technology' doesn't out strip my equipments ability to access it.
Okay, the spoiler is over, now to real life stuff
I got back far more than I expected from my 'abandoned' 401k from the last incarnation of my employers (stuff that somehow got 'missed' in rollover and stayed in a now static account), so I not only got the whole Discover/BoA/'Oh crap, I'm financially screwed!' chaos over and done with, but I managed to get a decent chunk more off the Discover card, so that I'm no longer anywhere near the 'if something goes wrong, you'll overdraw' line, which will make me breathe easier. Dad and I are also discussing some new alternative plans in case something like my APR going up again happens, so I don't start tottering back that way.
Got all bills paid this pay period with a comfortable cushion between me and the red line as well, so I'm breathing easier.
Not next Monday, but the Monday after that, CS at work switches over to the new ordering system, which is good, but it also means the next three weeks at least will be utter chaos at work...to the point that my boss gently suggested that not bringing the laptop to work is a Good Idea (and I have to agree, especially since there will be corporate people there helping us to get a handle on the new system. My bosses don't care what I do on break time...but the corporate folks probably will. So best to not even tempt that conversation into happening).
Finally got my hands on season 2 of Heroes, so I'll only be a season behind now when it starts again...unless I have some spare change to get season 3 before new season starts. :) It will be very nice if I can actually watch it when it first airs for once, rather than close to a year later. *g*.
My car passed inspection for another year (go, car, go!), so that's one less worry. I'm proud of my little 11 year old Escort. She's done me good, all things considered, and I hope the next car does me just as well.
The only real down was that my right eye managed to get infected again, so I woke up this morning almost unable to open the poor watery, itchy, fogged over thing. The good news was that there was an eye doctor open and that could see me, and that I had the funds to take care of it. So, I'm back on antibiotics again, must wear glasses for who knows how long, etc. etc. etc., but at least it's just the one eye this time, it's being treated before I went completely 'blind', and yeah, it'll be fine soon. I just wish it would quit re-infecting itself, because this yearly 'oh hi, I can't see!' thing is starting to piss me off. Of course, right now, I have an eye patch on, so that I can see what I'm doing by relying on my perfectly fine, perfectly focused left eye without using the right one. Heh.
Other than that, all is well. I got the girls a couple new 'cat caves' to hang out in, and Ula at least seems to really like them. I figure Foot will decide she likes them when I'm not watching. :)